Good Stores to know

     I remember having a very difficult time looking for a small thing like a sponge, used to wash my dishes and glasses, when I first moved from Battambang province to Siem Reap province in 2010. The same challenge occurs over and over whenever I move to a new place. Nonetheless, that challenge seems even more gigantic to deal with when every label on the self is in a language I do not speak (you can use Google Translate with a camera in this case). The following are all the stores you should know, for you can find most of the things you want. Most of them except for the Thai stall are not far from the center of Hasselt.

    LiDL (

    ALDI (

    Albert Heijn and ACTION are in the same building ( If you want to buy any more utensils, GO to ACTION.

    Vietnamese stall (

    Thai Stall (

    Primark for all sorts of clothes ( You can also get a lot of good quality winter clothes from Sakura store in Cambodia. However, if you want to buy some winter clothes from Sakura, you had better go there with someone who ever has an experience with the real winter season so that that person is able to precisely estimate what kind of clothes can be worn to cope with the winter in Belgium as well as other member states in Europe.

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